ELEVEN months...
You know what this means? Next time, it won't be 12 months...it'll be ONE YEAR. Wow, how did that happen?!?!
Sabiboy rounded the 11 month marker this past Monday. These days (as you can see) he tears up and (sometimes) down the stairs and is really really really interested in books. Rarely does he EAT books anymore, he seems to like to see the pictures and read them with mom and dad! In fact, we think he has a crush on the little girl on the cover of one of his favorites, but that's another story...
Sabi also likes looking at the fish and pounding the table to create "FishQuakes" Boy, that sure makes them swim faster! I also threw in a picture of him sitting in the rocker from grandpa. Compare that to the picture posted in June...funny! I guess he really is growing.
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