TEN months!
Yes folks, we're going to start having to count on toes because Sabiboy is now TEN months old! I can hardly believe it...
Two pics, the first is our friends Eunhee and Sungkyoon visiting with their daughter Hannah. Sabi tried several times to hold Hannah's hand. He did not know it (we think...) but this means that now he has to marry her in South Korean tradition. Start saving your pennies to travel to that wedding!! :)
The ten month photo has Sabi chewing on...yes...a toothbrush! That's because he has 4 TEETH now! The bottom two are fully in and he kind of looks like a snaggle tooth because one of the top teeth is about halfway in and the other has just broken through all the way. In any case, it sure is fun to chew on that toothbrush.
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