
Our parental attempt to keep friends and family updated on the growth and adorable-ness of our beautiful, new son!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Finally, an update!!

Yes, our child continues to grow and do new and fun things. Yes, we do still think he's the cutest thing in town and yes, we continue to do fun things...BUT, we have had no camera to document it for the past several weeks. Whilst in the mountains over Christmas, our brand new digital camera suddenly went kaputs and we had to send it allllll the way to New Jersey to the digital camera hospital for a few weeks.

Alas, now it has returned, with our last few holiday pictures intact.


At 11:34 AM, Blogger MrBig said...

Somehow I missed these until today!

Fun to see.

A has the same exact booster chair :)


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