
Our parental attempt to keep friends and family updated on the growth and adorable-ness of our beautiful, new son!

Friday, October 06, 2006

7 Months and Ready to Rolllllll

Happy 7 months to Sabiboy!

Mom had wanted to take the usual month-day picture of Sabi, with a twist. We thought it would be exciting to "show off" Sabi's new talents, either sitting up independently or up on all fours. Well, Sabi decided to show off his newly VERY inquisitive nature by eating his "I'm 7 month old today" sign, so this month's growing boy tribute is a series of photos that shows his emerging (ravenous?) personality.

Sabi is so much fun these days. He sits up, yes, and pops onto all fours like he wants to crawl quite frequently. This kid rocks back and forth but just hasn't figured out how to crawl. Mom is in no hurry for the crawling, since I'm sure I'll be runnnnnning as soon as it starts! Sabi laughs a lot these days, enjoys "daddy playtime" (wrestling, etc.), is more interested in (eating) his books and he plays a fierce game of peek-a-boo! Still no teeth, but he eats all sorts of fruits and veggies like green beans, peas, bananas, peaches, mango, carrots, sweet potato, avocado, pears and apples. Hands down, the favorite seems to be sweet potatoes...who can blame him!?!? Sabi is such a sweet and happy boy!


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