Don't forget to vote!
It's Primary Day here in Philadelphia...
This AWFUL picture was taken earlier today when mom and Sage went to vote. Sage was screaming at the thought of the man in the next polling booth who was voting Republican (for the record mom is registered independent) and the poor woman taking the photo didn't quite know how to use a camera. So, please forgive the not so flattering shot of mom's belly and maternity pants. Yuck! We just want to post this picture for posterity's sake. It'll be worth a lot of money when Sabiboy is running for President in 2048. Not to mention those 'first bath' shots...
In other news, mom has managed to get a HALF smile on camera. Something about that thing...the minute the camera comes out Smileyboy clams up...hmph. Also posted is a picture from Sabi's first sangria party last week. Although he was unable to sample Patrick's best, Sabiboy was able to show off his new bottle and how much he's grown to his Fan Club. Cheers!
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