
Our parental attempt to keep friends and family updated on the growth and adorable-ness of our beautiful, new son!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just two more, I can't resist!

1. Sabiboy and his "wife" Lauren at school (shh...don't tell his girlfriends he's married)

2. Feeding his kitty friends. Given how much he likes to feed the cats, it's surprising they're not 50 lbs. each by now!

Horsin' around

1. Having fun at the Pennsylvania Folk Festival

2. Mr. Sage surprised us one day by climbing out of his crib after the nap and clomping downstairs in these boots. We've had them forever, he's suddenly interested in them! Note that they are on the wrong feet and his little compatriot, Blakmau, is posing with him for the picture. (FYI-the other 2 kitties found a home. We adopted Blakmau (named, of course, by Sabi). We tried calling him Noche, but Sage insisted on calling him Blakmau).

3 & 4. Practicing his cowboy moves.

At the zoo with Ollie

We had a fun morning a few weeks back at the zoo with our friend Ollie. Ollie has a super special membership to the zoo so Sabiboy got to ride a camel with his buddy for free!