
Our parental attempt to keep friends and family updated on the growth and adorable-ness of our beautiful, new son!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Oldie, but goodie

So these pictures are a bit old, but we wanted to make sure we posted them.

A few weeks ago, we headed north(west) to our favorite little cabin...the same place we visited at Christmas. This time, we brought along The Gang for some serious celebration (more on that later!!). We had 2 funny pictures that we thought you'd enjoy.

First, Padrino Oscar trying to distract Sabi while Daddy changed his messy diaper. When S was waaaaaaaay littler (and waaaaaaaaaaay less mobile) we took a picture series of O-man changing his diaper. Well, we know better now. Sabi is much more "skilled" at running away and Oscar has a ways to go before we can match wits with a toddler! Check out the look on Sabi's face. Priceless....truly the art of changing a diaper.

Second, for the Bellot's who could never imagine seeing such a sight, we bring you "walking on a lake." Dario (aka Action Man) enjoyed pulling Sabi & Tio Nico (aka I know about this stuff) across the lake. Wow, talk about walking on water!

As always...MAS FOTOS!

PS-Before I forget, I need to EMPHASIZE that one of the Florida fotos below is Mama & Sabi on the teacup ride at Disney. See, gramma? It's not that bad...even an almost-2-year-old can do it!


First, by popular request, a picture of the Gala from Dario's work. I like to call it "prom"! Dario rented a tux, I got a fancy dress and my hair done...whoo whee! All we were missing was a limo!

The next morning, we (ech!) got up early, finished packing and headed off for Orlando!! It was a welcome relief to see GREEN and warmth and sunshine. We visited with GG Smoder (drat, I forgot the camera as usual), took her to dinner and picked oranges (ahnjes) in her backyard. Sure wish we could have stayed longer. We also visited Mickey and all of his friends at Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. The last day of our trip was Sabiboy's 2nd birthday! Wow, how did that happen?!? Enjoy the pictures...