
Our parental attempt to keep friends and family updated on the growth and adorable-ness of our beautiful, new son!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Pictures of Michigan

We were in Michigan last week with Rosana, Dario's sister. We did many fun things, visited the UP and great gramma in Harbor Springs. Dario and Rosana brought a bunch of furniture from grampa and gramma's house back to Philly in a moving van. What an adventure! We also got to visit with the Big Ol' Foldesi family for Christopher's graduation party. CONGRATS, Chris!! Sabi reeeeeeeeeeeally liked Lake Michigan even though it was colder than cold. He had lots of fun walking and walking and walking in the great green expanses of MI, too.

Fun in the sun!

Mom found a playset on Freecycle for, you guessed it, FREE! Sabi has had lots of fun playing in the back yard. In an extra added burst of playtime creativity, mom and dad set up the baby pool at the end of the slide and Sabi loooooooooooooves to slide into the water, sputtering and all! No pictures of that one just yet

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just a few more!

More Florida pics

Updates from the South

Our most recent adventure was a trip to Orlando. Jen had a conference so the boys came along for some fun, too! EVERYTHING was so fun to Sabi. Our hotel room had a jacuzzi tub and mirrors all over the room. He had a great time with the bubbles and flirting with himself all weekend. :) Thanks to Patrick's dad, we also scored tickets to Universal Studios theme park. We went right in the middle of a tropical storm. It was actually really great because there were fewer people there and the weather actually cleared for much of the time. Sabi had a FANTASTIC time there. One of his favorite activities was similar to a moon bounce. He also visited with Shrek and Curious George. We missed the Barney show (shucks) but he had a fantastic time at Barney's playground. Although Dario and I went to Universal a few years ago prior to Sabiboy, we agreed it was so much MORE fun with him...and we didn't even get to go on any rides! We also escaped the heat one afternoon and saw Shrek 3...Sabi's first movie...and spent some time wandering around Downtown Disney. What a FANTASTIC weekend we had!

Updates from home

So much has happened in the last month, oh my! I feel like I say this every month, but truly it HAS been a whirlwind. Since the last post, Gram and Gramp Seamon, GG Smoder and Tia Ali spent the weekend in Philly to celebrate graduation. Sorry, we don't have any pictures (yet) to post on that...they're all in print and we need electronic (hey, Ali, get movin'!). Lots of activity going on with wrapping up the dissertation, preparing for the next job and just enjoying lots of time with Sabiboy and catching up on all of those house-related tasks that were neglected over the past few months. The week before Memorial Day, Sabi came down with some nasty bronchiolitis so we took it easy and now we are the proud owners of a new nebulizer machine! Dario has kept very busy with various landscaping projects and the front of the house is really starting to look nice! I have posted a picture of his big project building a raised flower bed and mucking out the old bed in the front of the house and another pic of his New Baby ("The Man Grill"). We have also put the baby seat on the bike since Sabi is now big enough to wear a helmet and we've only taken one ride but he really loved the breeze.