
Our parental attempt to keep friends and family updated on the growth and adorable-ness of our beautiful, new son!

Friday, May 04, 2007

These shoes are made for walkin'...

...and that's just what they do! We took a momentous trip to Stride Rite last Friday night and Sabi now has his first official walking shoes. New Balance, probably more than I have spent on shoes for myself in the past 5 years!

But wait, there's more!

And because I'm catching up (and can't resist posting more pictures besides) I bring you "Sabi and his first mud puddle" Boy, did he have a good time with this one!

13 months!

Ok, so it's one day shy of 14 months and I am just now getting to post 13 month pictures. Bad mommy! To be fair, this past month has been a BLINDING month full of activity in *my* life (dissertation, job interviews, etc.). BUT, it's been an even BIGGER month for Sabiboy. For about 2 weeks now he has been (drrrrrrrrrum roll, please!) WALKING!!! His first steps were the evening of April 20, mere hours before Dario returned from a business trip. I tried and tried to get it on video to no avail. Then we had the "Drunk Hula Man" stage for about a week and now he's pretty steady on the feet! Slowly, he's starting to walk more than he crawls and it is becoming apparent (hold on for mixed emotions) that my little baby is becoming a little boy!

Speaking of little boy, it is now almost impossible to get him to sit for a picture with a sign that says "I am xyz months old" Wise friend Marisa also pointed out that repeatedly sticking signs to his back may make him less sensitized to potential "Kick me" signs in his later years. THEREFORE, by executive parent order, we have decided to take monthly "theme" pictures. The 13 month 'theme' is swimming class. Sabi takes swimming "classes" every Saturday morning with dad. It started as a special time for both of them to hang out together, then was some valuable dissertation time for me and now I'm looking forward to jumping into the pool this week. Boy, he sure loves the YMCA! :) Enjoy the pics.