
Our parental attempt to keep friends and family updated on the growth and adorable-ness of our beautiful, new son!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

9 months and more!

First off, Sabimom apologizes for being delinquent with the "I'm 9 months old today" pictures. It has been so crazy around here lately with the holidays, trip preparations and too much work in general. But enough of that boring stuff... Sabiboy has been SUPER busy as well. Right around his 9 month-day, over the space of about a week and a half, he decided to: sprout 2 teeth, wave, vocalize much more, crawl, pull up, transfer from one piece of furniture to another, CLIMB STAIRS (!!!) and pretty much get into everything he is not supposed to get into! It is so fun...and watch him these days. Through all of this development, he had lots of trouble getting to sleep because it was too much of a distraction when he could stand in his crib instead! We thought this sleep disturbance and some generalized crankiness were from all the new developments...but, oops! Last week Sabiboy decided to develop bilateral ear infections, just in time for our trip to Argentina! No worries, now there is lots of pink medicine on board and we should be fine for the plane. Our looooong trip will be 12/17-1/3. Hoping to post some pictures while we're on the road, but we'll have to see...

The pictures posted are:

-Thanksgiving with Aunt Ali

-One of Sabi's favorite new games "baby in jail"

-9 months

-Playing nurse

-Opening (eating) early presents from Gramma and Grampa Seamon

-Makin' mischief

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Happy holiday season from me and my new friend!

Look at this cool guy I met at the mall with daddy last night!