Conference-ing with mom in Dallas
Travels for Sabiboy! We are back after a week in Dallas. After a lot of air travel related hijinks and some mixed reviews from the little one on his taste for air travel, Sabiboy made his Texas debut. Mom had 2 conferences last week so gramma came down and spent the first half of the week with us and daddy joined us for the second half. Dallas was truly different and it was neat to do some walking around. Sabi kind of had a tough time napping and sleeping with all the different environments, strange new crib and so many other things to do and see. These pictures were taken by Pamela from the John A. Hartford Foundations (those generous folks that support Mom's doctoral education) at a reception. Sabiboy had had a long and fun day with gramma and just when he came down to the reception to meet everyone, he fell asleep! Rest assured, he woke later to spend some quality time with the nurse academicians of the world.