
Our parental attempt to keep friends and family updated on the growth and adorable-ness of our beautiful, new son!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Big days these are!

My oh my has Sabiboy been busy lately!

Last Friday, Sabi's Abuelos Bellot and Tia Ro came in from Argentina. We knew that he was a Superstar already, but manohman is he truly in the spot light now! This child is surrounded with gobs and gobs of love, hugs, kisses, and tons of gifts from everyone in Bernal it seems!

Sunday, Sabi was baptized. He did so well and slept through most of it except for a little startle when the water hit his head. Grandma Seamon made him a great little vest and bowtie, with matching shorts from the material of mom's wedding dress. Grandpa Seamon also brought with him a great little rocking chair. Carrie, Jeff and Oscar officially became godparents. Dario, Sabiboy and I are so blessed to be surrounded with such love and support!

Last but DEFINITELY not least, Sabiboy rolled over for the first time on June 19! He was laying on his back in the crib, chatting away with mom. Just for kicks, I put him on his stomach and almost immediately he rolled back to his back to resume chatting. :) He hasn't done it again since, but it was just so darn exciting the first time.

Monday, June 12, 2006


So I cannot figure out what I did to get the pictures to come up twice...and I cannot figure out how to remove them either. Enjoy them twice!

The Auspicious 100 Days!

Happy 100 days to Sabiboy! Yes, in the Bellot house it's true that we enjoy any excuse to celebrate... Our Asian friends tell us that there is a major celebration when the baby hits 100 days because the first 100 days are the hardest for baby and parents. We *did* it! Yay for 100 days! :)

Last weekend was a fun one for daddy and Sabi. Saturday Sabi was allowed to watch World Cup soccer as Argentina beat the Ivory Coast 2-1. Man, were that kid's eyes B-I-G when we let him watch the tv screen for the first time! We enjoyed a nice water's edge dinner with Auntie Smo and soon-to-be Uncle Greg. On Sunday, we enjoyed a wonderful reunion with the Birthworks class at the zoo. Everyone met Little Prosper for the first time and it was great to see Courtney growing growing growing!! For the first time we faced Sabi OUT in the Baby Bjorn and he really got a kick out of it. When we got home, the whole family took a solid nap. Just this morning, however, Sabi tells me that he had many happy dreams of the zoo last night and that the lions were his favorites even though they were sleeping in the sun the whole time.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hey world, I'm THREE MONTHS old!!

Yesterday Sabiboy turned THREE MONTHS old! (Per Harvey Karp buhbye 4th trimester!!)
Our updates...Sabi is now quite a flirt!! He smiles often, particularly in the morning. It is such a joy to wake up to a goofy, gummy grin. He is also quite chatty and occasionally squeaks out a scream and surprises all of us. Just recently he's starting to discover his toes and the joy of sucking his hand. When we place him on his back, Sabi throws around his legs like he's wanting to roll over. Watch out world! One of his favorite games is pushing up with his legs into a supported stand. Now that he's been up, Sabi isn't too fond of laying down to play any more. His attention span is really getting longer as well and it's a nice relief for mom when he will watch her do things around the house rather than needing constant entertainment. :)

Every day Dario and I talk about how we love him more and that we never thought it would be possible to be so proud and happy of this little peanut! He is such a joy...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Look what Patrick did to me!

Patrick and the ever-gracious Helena came to babysit last night while Mom got fitted for a bridesmaid dress (yay Suzanne!). We thought this picture was TOO funny not to post, apparently taken just after P & H took Sabiboy out for a walk.

Pictures of Michigan to come just as soon as mom can get her organizational druthers together...